Playing online casino slots for a living is hard, but it can be done. First you should try the free casino slots to develop your unique strategy. As online slot casino is mostly a luck game, you should develop a strategy based on budget control.
This means that if you can’t control when you win your loose, you can’t control how much money you can win or loose. Search for patterns on how the site generates the jackpots. Invest less in when you think that the jackpot won’t be given, and more when you are certain it will come.
Play online slots for a while and you will see it is worth it. If you don’t begin to win from the beginning, don’t be discouraged, as you must spend a lot of time on the online slot casino sites before getting return on investment. And that is the way it should be. If you want to win, somebody has to loose, so be sure you are a really good player if you want to be amongst the winners. So, the basic rules are: don’t rush, study the game and learn.